Saturday, February 29, 2020

20200229 Ban tin bien Dong CoVID-19 Cap Nhat

20200229 Ban tin bien Dong

US says Chinese warship fired military laser at US aircraft
Chinese ship fired laser at American surveillance plane, U.S. Navy says
We don’t really know how many people have coronavirus
Xi’s speech sent strong message to the World
Xi ở đâu khi dịch corona lan tràn tại Wuhan từ tháng 12/2019, củng có thể từ tháng 11/2019?
Xi trả lời như thế nào về sự kêu gào thảm thiết của người phụ nữ nầy nầy tại Wuhan?
"wake up All China Citizen !!" she said.
“This pneumonia virus in Wuhan everything happened with schemes and plans for government. However, only normal citizens are suffering from this disease. My family, my parents, my friends. Government doesn’t care about us, normal citizens. We can’t buy medicine with money. We can’t go into the hospital room with money. And Hong Kong, I support your independence. I also support Taiwan’s independence. Tibet and Hong Kong, I support independence the evil deeds of Chinese Communist Party a corrupted regime, an evil society. Not single person can speak freely. There is no one. If anyone speaks about truth, they’ll be caught by police and be deliberated, detained, and legally adjudicated. If they decide 10 or 20 years, then it’s already decided. Even lawyers are useless. All righteous lawyers are caught by the government. Even though they want to tell the truth, they can’t say anything because of the evil regimes everywhere I’m gonna to tell you something, 1 person’s sacrifice, 2 people’s sacrifice, it is a sacrifice that is necessary for a revolution. I will make a sacrifice, expose and wake up. For my parents, for my family. For our free lives. I know it’s dangerous for me to speak out. But I can’t take it anymore. No beds, no medicines, all the news from TV is a lie. I saw ordinary citizen suffered and screamed. I’m going to make a voice. I will speak for myself, for the Wuhan citizens, for the Chinese people. They’re just doing this for money. In this evil society, I can no longer keep my mouth shut. I really think I’m going crazy. No one is willing to speak out. But I’m going to speak up and make voice. We really have to resist. My fellow citizens. We can’t be fooled by them anymore. I can’t live like this anymore. We have to speak out for the next generation.
Chen Chu-Sil (missing)
Fang Bin (missing)
Ryan (he is safe for now)
We lost them.
We have another woman is screaming help from the World. We can’t lose her again like them. As she said, she is in danger now.
We have to protect her.”

Xi sẽ trả lời như thế nào với những tiết lộ của video dưới đây? 
Đây chỉ mới là một bệnh viện mà đã có hằng 100,000 bệnh nhân! Còn những bệnh viện khác thì sao? Đã có bao nhiêu bệnh nhân tại các bệnh viện khác? Như thế những con số của China đưa ra chỉ là những con số láo khoét vì tất cả bệnh nhân, cả sống lẩn chết, đã vào lò hỏa táng rồi. Phần còn lại chỉ là một số nhỏ. Như thế thì bao nhiêu triệu dân đã bị hỏa táng? Đây là một tội tiêu diệt chính chủng tộc tầu của Xi Jinping như MaoZedong đã làm trước năm 1949.
(中文字幕) Leaked Videos From China Reveal What's Really Happening in Hospitals
(Leaked videos from China reveal a city in desperation. Videos posted by residents within China during the current outbreak reveal Wuhan overwhelmed by coronavirus.) “I said I went to go visit Huoshensang Hospital. The workers there are under extreme stress. Staff are working 2 shifts, 3 shifts 24 hours, non-stop. The central director other staff can take breaks. The central director has almost no rest When he met us, his two eyes were bloodshot His throat, he could barely speak: “We’re not gonna guard you. Just put on your face mask on and do what you need to do. If you want to look at the hospital, go look." I haven’t been home in 3 days. I’ve only been sleeping 2-3 hours a night.” This following video surfaced of Wuhan hospital staff, treating the Corona virus outbreak. “We want to go home too. We want to celebrate the holidays with our families too. What have you all done? You cause this Wuhan disease outbreak. You’re barely working, while we’re working nonstop. We don’t want to live? Take a look for yourself. Come get rid of all these sick people. Take away these people. I’m not causing trouble. With that many sick people, what are we supposed to do? If we stop working, we’re classified as traitors. Right now we’ve just waiting to die. We’re just waiting to die. Working like this, we’re tired to exhaustion. Working every single day, no rest at all. I can’t take it anymore. I have been working all day long. Now I’m off duty. I took off around 4 PM. I have been crying my eyes out. Indeed, the infection is much more horrible than it’s reported on TV. There are so many cases. Doctors have estimated about 100,000 infected. We have more than 10 doctors here and each doctor has treated more than 100 infected people in just one day. Many of them will not make it. No hospital beds. Their relatives complained and insisted on being treated in our hospital as they quote the government’s promise the hospital should treat those infected with the corona virus. However, the government didn’t support us with medical supplies. We don’t have enough resources to hospitalize patients. It won’t work if the situation worsens like this. We’ve been slammed all day long and we are all breaking down. We cannot take it anymore. The patients were begging us desperately but we couldn’t do anything. They are dying right in front of our eyes. Therefore, please take every measure to protect yourself at home. Don’t EVER trust the government. We are on our own now.” Videos surfaced show hospitals overwhelmed by mass numbers of patients in Wuhan, China. Other videos focus on the mismanagement of dead bodies in hospitals. China has still not permitted involvement in handling the outbreak from World Health Organization (WHO) or the USA CDC.

First corona virus death in U.S. and new cases detected on the West Coast
Coronavirus outbreak: Trump confirms 1 dead from virus, says additional cases in U.S. 'likely'
Health officials confirm 2 new cases of coronavirus in western Washington

A dog in Hong Kong tests positive for the coronavirus, WHO officials confirm

Coronavirus: NASA images show China pollution clear amid slowdown

Congress gives small ISPs $1 billion to rip out Huawei, ZTE network gear

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