Thursday, December 3, 2020

20201204 Ban tin Bien Dong

 20201204 Ban tin Bien Dong



Thêm một lần nửa dạng thức một cuộc "chiến tranh không giới hạn" lại xuất hiện trong cuộc bầu cử 2020 của Hoa Kỳ bằng hình thức in phiếu bầu giả từ CCP đã tạo nên một cuộc hổn loạn tại Hoa Kỳ hiện nay, cộng thêm những cái chết vô nghỉa của một số dân Hoa Kỳ chỉ vì những lá phiếu giả từ CCP phối hợp với hệ thống khủng bố Antifa, Black Lives Matter...

Liệu những người Hoa Kỳ có thức tỉnh trước thảm họa diệt vong từ CCP. Còn nửa, những người Việt tỵ nạn đã học được gì từ bài học xương máu nầy và liệu nó có thể xảy ra tại Việt Nam trong tương lai nếu Việt Nam có một cuộc bầu cử do dân bầu. Hiện nay dân tầu hiện diện trên đất Việt có thể nói là ngang ngửa với dân Việt, như thế liệu cuộc bầu cử trong tương lai trên đất Việt có an toàn theo ý muốn của dân Việt?


Ballots came from a Factory in China. (with video evidence)  

In November, Ziao Yan, a former New York Times China researcher, quoted a Vice President of a printing factory in China as saying that “He received a secret order to print 5 million U.S. presidential ballots on last May.” The revelation was shocking, but there was no clear evidence to support the remarks except one tweet. So, it was accepted as conspiracy theory by people, however another decisive report came out again. Taiwan’s media, CM media reported on the November 23rd that a counterfeit printing factory in Guangdong province, China, has printed 500,000 ballots a month since July. This was the first official report on ballots from China, which had been rumored. CM media obtained and released the chat records of the owner and clients of the printing company from an informant. According to the conversation on July, when the client sent a photo of the ballot, the owner of the printing company recognized at a glance, saying, “Isn’t this U.S. presidential election ballot?” When client asked ‘Can you read English’, the owner of the printing company replied like this: “I don’t know English, but I already have a customer who ordered ballots, so I have the original template, ant it still remains in the warehouse.” In the United States, each state has difference ballots, but the owner said he has received a Mississippi, Florida, and North Carolina ballot template from the customers earlier, and he can print ballots in three states as well as in other states, too. Even, the owner gave advice to client. “You should not directly send the printed ballots which you received, to the U.S.

The previous client sent all the ballots to the Canada first by mail.” “If you send the ballots directly to the U.S. then you will be asked from the customs. So you have to mail them separately, but report them as trade goods or medical supplies.” Also owner of the printing factory stated that “The paper and ink are the same but the metal patterns and anti-counterfeiting of the real ballots cannot be forged yet” According to internal source of this media, such ballots could be sent to Mexico and Canada, where watermark and other counterfeit devices could be added to make the final product. So who ordered this ballots? The owner didn’t provide any specific information, but said the order request came from Beijing and the finished products were sent to Zhuhai. Then those ballots were exported in batches to Canada, Mexico, and other locations in the pretext of medical care, personal letters, and trade. You can even find a video on Youtube of a customer who has already ordered a large number of ballots and the owner of a printing company in Guangdong Province. As long as you send the money on time, the number of ballots is not a problem. No matter what. The ink is different in this work. You say it’s different from normal printing? Yes, if you look closely, the ballot paper is different from the regular print. That’s fine. I’ll try to look at the file. How are you to ship it? I will order in bulk. Usually it takes a few days. The logistics company is a little bit slow. Is international transport possible? International transport must also be carried out by the logistics company (means slow). Anyway that means you can send to here. How much is it per sheet or paper? The price is the same as the one I told you last time. Okay. Please send me the Q.R. code again.

For the sake of the reports’ credibility, CM media also had an interview with the third generation of senior Chinese officials named Yi Qiwei. Yi Qiwei is from Manchuria and his father was a senior Communist Party official. His grandfather was a communist revolutionary who made great strides in power in the communist party. However, his grandfather died in 2016 due to Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption movement. In October, he announced that more than 80 tons of gold ($ 42 billion) issued by King Gold Jewelry, China’s largest jeweler, had been counterfeited and that the real gold had already been stolen from Chinese institutions and was sold in Hong Kong.

Yi Qiwei said the production of numerous fake driver’s licenses and printed ballot papers from China are linked. He said: “Those who have ordered large quantities of ballots papers and fake driver’s licenses must try to intervene in the U.S. presidential election to change the number of votes or the result.” He told CM media that he could talk openly about China’s participation in the U.S. presidential election, as this is not such a big secret for China. In fact, this is not the first time China has interfered in the elections.

Earlier this year, Taiwan’s security agency issued a report warning against China’s behavior in the Taiwanese presidential election.

“China is trying to intervene in the election by all means.”

In the end, the informant left this message. “Even if the ballot papers from China are not counted correctly, that is not a big problem. If the ballot counting machine determines that some votes are invalid, it will be a major problem for the US Electoral Commission and it will also lead to confrontation and conflict between Americans. It is enough to cause the problem.”

“The CCP may not influence the election, but it wants to sabotage the election.”    

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