Friday, July 5, 2024

20240705 CDTL Nguyen Tat Thanh aka Ho Chi Minh in Hoi Tam Diem

20240705 CDTL Nguyen Tat Thanh aka Ho Chi Minh in Hoi Tam Diem


Dưới đây là một số tài liệu sự thật về nhân vật Nguyễn Tất Thành hay Hồ Chí Minh?


Was Ho Chi Minh in Fremason

Gordon Bain


NGUYEN AI DE QUOC as he was then named was initiated into Lodge Universal Federation under The Grand Orient of France.

The Grand Orient of France is not recognised by any regular Grand Lodge since it admits atheists and women. It also permits discussion of politics.

His father was a Confussian scholar and he was raised as a Confussian

Admission seems to have had a profound impression on him. The French nickname for masons was ‘The Bringers of Light’ and he eventually changed his name to Ho Chi Minh. This literally translates to the Bringer of Light.

So in answer to your question it is yes and no.

Taurant Nguyen

carte d'adhérent= membership card

Parti Communiste 

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He believed Communism will rule the world however he felt painful when seeing the conflict between Communist countries.

Quote: Hồ Chí Minh nói về phong trào cộng sản thế giới: Mong muốn các đảng anh em đoàn kết, giúp đỡ, bảo vệ lẫn nhau, nâng cao "tinh thần chủ nghĩa quốc tế vô sản". Ông bày tỏ sự đau lòng trước những bất hòa giữa các đảng anh em.

Google translate

Ho Chi Minh said about the world communist movement: Wishing brother parties to unite, help and protect each other, and raise the "spirit of proletarian internationalism". He expressed his heartache at the discord between brotherly parties.

Di chúc của Hồ Chí Minh? 

“…Tôi yêu cầu thi hài tôi được đốt đi, tức là “hỏa táng…”

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However, in the “Diary in the prison” in Chinese writing; he pledged allegiance to Chinese Kuomintang and China Republic. It seems like there was the product of Cookoo bird.

Who was the real and original author of “Diary in the prison”? To my understanding, the real and original author was a Chinese Nationalist.

Move over magpies: are cuckoos the meanest bird?

Front page recording the time was in prison. 

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Last page again recording the time was in prison. The date and month are both the same, but the years had been changed. 

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Letter from Ho Chi Minh to President Harry S. Truman 

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Download PDF

Letter from Ho Chi Minh to Secretary of State Robert Lansing 

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“Nguyễn Ái Quốc” là tên một nhóm người Việt ái quốc chống Pháp do cụ Phan Bội Châu sáng lập ra tại Paris, chứ không phải là tên của Nguyễn Tất Thành hay Hồ Chí Minh. 

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Ho Chi Minh appealed to the United States to help the Vietnamese win independence from the French several times. His first attempt to win American support was at the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I, in which the Allied forces met to set the peace terms for the defeated nations.
Nguyen Ai Quoc (one of Ho Chi Minh’s early aliases) sent this letter as a representative of "le Groupe des Patriotes Annamites" ("the Group of Annamite Patriots") to Secretary of State Robert Lansing. He had reason to be hopeful. President Wilson’s Fourteen Points Declaration (a statement of principles for peace to end World War I) called for self-determination for all peoples. But Wilson’s priority was European self-government. Although Ho Chi Minh received a note saying that the petition would be shared with President Wilson, there was no further response.
The letter contains the enclosure "Revendications du Peuple Annamite" ("Claims of the Annamite People"). It's a call for reform of the French colonial system, directed at French colonial officials. Ho Chi Minh used the term “Annamite” because “Vietnamien” (Vietnamese) with its nationalist overtones, was forbidden by the French. Annam is the name the French gave the central region of French Indochina. The petition was published in L'Humanité, a French socialist newspaper. Copies were distributed on the streets of Paris and found their way to Hanoi.

The letter and enclosure are written in French. There is an English translation to the letter, made by the National Archives in 1969.

This primary source comes from the Records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace.

National Archives Identifier: 5049414

Full Citation: Letter from Nguyen ai Quac [Ho Chi Minh] to Secretary of State Robert Lansing (with enclosure); 6/18/1919; 851G.00; General Records , 1918 - 1931; Records of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, Record Group 256; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD. [Online Version,,  July 5, 2024]


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