Monday, February 17, 2020

20200217 Ban tin bien Dong

20200217 Ban tin bien Dong

Đã có những tin đồn về việc rợ hán là chủ chốt trong vấn đề coronavirus để thử nghiệm cuộc chiến tranh sinh hóa đối đầu với Hoa Kỳ và phương Tây ngỏ hầu thống trị toàn cầu. Có người vẩn còn bán tín, bán nghi hay bác bỏ lý luận nầy cho đến hôm nay. Đối với chúng tôi hoàn toàn không nghi ngờ gì về "gỉa thuyết" nầy vì trong cuộc chiến Việt Trung 17/02/1979 rợ hán đã dùng vũ khí hóa học để tấn công tiến vào Bắc Việt Nam tại lô cốt Đồng Đăng khiến cho gần 400 người lính CSBV lẩn đồng bào ẩn trốn bên trong hoàn toàn bị giết chết ngoại trừ một vài người may mắn còn sống sót và nhờ thế mà chúng tôi có được nguồn tin nầy và cho đến nay lũ chồn hôi giặc hồ vẩn câm lặng. Tin hay không? Mọi người có thể xem video dưới đây sẽ rỏ.
Coronavirus Plague Warfare? | China Behind HUGE US Hack
“ anchor Maria Bartiromo actually asked that question to White House trade advisor Peter Navarro they knew that corona virus had happened back in December they went they’d send the delegation to the White House to shake everybody’s hand they knew that they had this virus that had started for the phase one then they sent the largest delegation ever to Davos and now the ambassador to China was on one of the Sunday shows this weekend and he did not deny that corona virus could have started in weapon lab do we know if this started in a research lab and how come they won’t allow the CDC in there to better understand how this started because if they started this in a weapons lab that’s evidence that they are developing or trying to develop weapons of mass destruction biological weapons…”
Đồng Đăng 41 năm trận chiến Việt Trung 17/02/1979.
Pháo đài Đồng Đăng, bản hùng ca lặng lẽ trong chiến tranh biên giới
20200217 BTBD 01

Chừng nào lũ chồn hôi giặc hồ xóa đi tiền hồ và tiền rợ hán để diệt coronavirus CoVID-19?
China is disinfecting and destroying cash to contain the coronavirus
American from cruise ship docked in Cambodia tests positive in Malaysia for coronavirus
Coronavirus Proves One Thing: China's Rise Is Built on Quicksand
Chinese scientists say COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government
Chinese scientists says COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government testing lab in Wuhan 중국영국언론 "코로나19, 수산시장 아닌 실험실 유출 가능성" As the world struggles to contain the new virus,... a new speculation from the Chinese scientists,... who believe it may have originated at a research facility not far from the Wuhan fish market. While they say more research needs to be done to find solid proof,... such labs are known to contain disease-ridden animals, including hundreds of bats. Kim Hyo-sun tells us more. Amid the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus,... there's rising speculation the virus could have originated from a government laboratory in Wuhan rather than the widely-held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets. Citing a report published by Chinese scientists,... a Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror explained Sunday that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control, or WHCDC, could have spawned the contagion in Hubei Province. According to the report penned by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of the South China University of Technology,... the research lab, which is only 280 meters away from the Huanan seafood market,... kept disease-ridden animals including more than 600 bats. It stated that while it's plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic,... more solid evidence is required through future study. The report also raised the possibility that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have leaked the virus while it was carrying out tests involving Chinese horseshoe bats. Against such a background,... an article published by the Washington Times late last month is garnering attention, as it raised the possibility that the disastrous outbreak could be the accidental result of biological weapons research. This comes as a renowned law professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Xu Zhangrun, is known to be missing after publicly condemning Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to contain the spread of the virus at an early stage. He even added the condemnation could be the last message of his life. Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News. #scientist #COVID19 #coronavirus Arirang News Facebook:
More than 1,700 medical staff infected with COVID-19 in China
Inside the U.S. Coronavirus Quarantine | WSJ
Coronavirus whistleblowers disappear in China | DW News
Coronavirus Epidemic Underestimated? - Zooming In
WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Chinese spy spills secrets to expose Communist espionage | 60 Minutes Australia

20120624 Bật Mí Bí Mật Bán Đứng 3700 Tử Sĩ.
20170130 Án Sử Núi Đất 1509
20170129 Cao Bằng Chiến Địa 1979

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